Released Software

The software listed here was created in my spare time out of personal interest. They're basic, experimental prototypes that contain just enough functionality to illustrate the core idea. My goal is to share early concepts and encourage others in the community to extend or adapt them further.

  • 13 Jan, 2021 Blender Tiltbrush Tools

    Version: 1.0.0

    A blender plugin to allow a user to draw Tiltbrush strokes in blender

  • 05 Aug, 2019 Game: Remembery

    Version: 1.0.0

    A complete panic puzzle game, prize winner for Design and Game Jam

  • 24 Mar, 2018 DLW Assembler And Emulator

    Version: 0.0.1

    An assembler and emulator for the virtual DLW-1 CPU

  • 15 Dec, 2015 Maelstrom Game Engine

    Version: 1.0.0

    A pure JavaScript 2D game engine proof of concept.